西岸集团致力于西雅图的投资和城市建设,目前已启动三大项目。我们相信我们的投资不仅会 加强我们的实力,而且会增强城市本身的建设质量、文化活力和经济繁荣。无论您身居西雅图 或地处地球另一端的遥远城市,我们都毫不犹豫地推荐西雅图作为您投资之地。作为一家以温哥华为总部并在全球不断提升知名度的企业,西岸集团拥有全球化的机遇。晨曦是西岸集团在西雅图所开发的其中一个项目,另外两个是正在建设的租赁项目: 斯图尔特1200号和泰瑞707号

(EN) WB1200

707 Terry

The Future of Seattle’s Waterfront
Over the past few years, the City of Seattle has been actively re-imagining the future of its Central Waterfront. The imminent replacement of the Elliott Bay Seawall and removal of the Alaskan Way Viaduct now present a tremendous opportunity to create a vibrant public realm that will reconnect the city and its people to the waterfront.
Seattle’s new Central Waterfront will provide a ‘front porch’ to the downtown neighborhoods and the City. It will be a place for locals and visitors to enjoy the natural beauty and stunning views of Seattle’s waterfront, and partake in a wide variety of recreational and commercial activities.
Central Waterfront Program

Information from the Waterfront Seattle Program led by the City of Seattle’s Office of the Waterfront. To learn more visit waterfrontseattle.org.
Only a 10 minute walk away, residents at First Light can enjoy the natural beauty, amenities, retail and mobility that Seattle’s new Central Waterfront has to offer. The Central Waterfront program hosts overlook views, public plazas, parks, play areas, bike paths, community gardens, and expansions to Seattle’s Pike Place Market, the Seattle Aquarium and Pier 62. Improvements to nearby streets will increase from Seattle’s Downtown core to the Waterfront.
The heart of Seattle’s new Central Waterfront will be a vibrant engaging public realm, a new ‘front porch’ for the city, overlooking Elliott Bay, the islands and the mountains. The Core Project Area public realm, stretching 18 city blocks or over 2 miles, will be designed as a continuous promenade, and a series of places distributed along the promenade.